Romans 8:31- What then shall we say in response to these things,? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Roman 8:37- No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us.
Vision Statement
Changing Our Narrative, Creating Our Brand
Mission Statement
To be a Black man in an American society today can only be described as hope filled, strong, and ever changing. Despite news media coverage, or seemingly raising numbers of police brutality within society, many men of color have challenged today’s Institutionalized norms of racism and economic equality. Due to this our community would like to raise awareness by celebrating hope and perseverance shown by specific strong black men in our community. Positive light surely spreads throughout America when a black man shows dedication and love through his very actions, and that it why it is up to our community to highlight, and cultivate a safe and celebratory space for acknowledging said actions. Black men who go above and beyond deserve to reap positive rewards as we expand the definition of what a strong black man is defined as. Thus we present the Black Men Achieve awards ceremony, to enhance positive attributes that should be very well talked about and recognized in our daily existence.
Black Men Achieve is a great opportunity to highlight leaders whom are not only fostering ideas of change, but whom are showcasing change through their actions within their very own community. The men elected to receive our BMA have accomplished numerous ventures beyond several others expectations. Various award categories are now offered, for example serving and protecting ones citizens, and specifically advocating the public youth. As many accomplishments are recognized we hope many citizens of Milwaukee County can join us as we celebrate accomplishments that have made a communal difference.
Black men lead, Black men achieve, Black men matter
Our vision is to provide positive outlets for multiple achieving men of color. We strive to enhance and define societies daily outlook on what makes a leading “strong black man.”
Core Values
Together we are stronger, we are and continue to be overcomers. BMA represents love in action, those its honors is a tangible reflection of our beautiful image. Self-love, self-respect and self-preservation ; BMA core values.